- Ron Hart welcomed the families and introduced the board (see “Board” tab for more info).
- Ron Hart said a few words about what RHC is all about and the training opportunities offered.
- Nick Nelson gave a report on last year’s fundraising, stressed the importance of continued fundraising and introduced the mandatory fundraisers for this year.
- RHC at the Ice Hogs Night – each family to sell 10 tickets; date still to be determined as the AHL has not released the schedule yet.
- Bergner’s Community Days, Nov 6-8 – each family to sell 10 booklets for $5 each. Each booklet contains a $10 gift certificate.
- Sponsorships – If anyone has connections to people/businesses who might be interested in becoming an RHC sponsor, contact Nick.
- Deb Szczap – gave a report on fees and the new financial policy (see “Financial Information” tab)
- Stressed the importance of paying on time keep our fees down
- Ice costs increased by 10%, we were able to keep fees the same
- Tammy Haight – gave a report on registration
- Registration deadline – August 17th – helps us as a board plan for tryouts (ice, schedules, player info, etc)
- Registration must be completed online, click the “Registration 2015-16” box on the home page of website.
- Encouraged everyone to use the “new” website for up-to-date information.
- Upcoming events (see website home page)
- Tryout schedule is on the website home page – Pee Wee groups will be announced after Aug 17th once we see the numbers
- AHAI A Step aHead baseline testing – Free for all players with USA Hockey reg.
i.Bantams – August 19th from 6-7:30 at Boylan
ii.Pee Wees – can schedule one on your own using the link on the left side of the website home page
iii.Not available for squirts or younger
g. Bantam checking clinic
i.Mandatory for all bantams, including goalies
ii.August 29, 12-2pm, Riverview
h. Tier II Choice Rule – see “New Member Info” tab
i. RHC spiritwear – hoodies, t-shirts, shorts, etc. can be purchased through the link “Spiritwear” on the website.
j. Warm-up and jersey sizing – tonight and 17th – after that the items will be in Pete’s skate shop. Questions, contact Greg Padron.
6. Greg Padron – Pete is offering all RHC players a 20% discount on certain Bauer models of helmets, gloves and breezers so if your player is in need of any of those items, see Pete.